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10 Secrets
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Fundamentals of
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6 Biggest Reasons
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5 Biggest Reasons
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10 Secrets of Execution

Based on insights gleaned from his work with more than 100 organizations on issues related to strategy development, execution management, and cultural transformation, Scott Regan presents timely and actionable advice for driving accountability and accelerating business results. His “10 Secrets of Execution” will enable any company in any industry to improve business performance.

“10 Secrets of Execution” removes the guesswork and provides proven methods for creating a laser-like focus, elevating accountability, executing with precision, and accelerating the results curve in less time than you ever thought possible.

For organizations that want to transform vision and goals into real, meaningful, and tangible results – and sooner rather than later – this book is a must-read.

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How To Create a
Culture of Accountability

Weave individual accountability into the fabric of your organization.

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How To Write a Vision
Statement That Empowers

Create a clear and compelling path for future growth and success.

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How To Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Turn your SWOT analysis into strategic business intelligence that drives results.

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