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The 5 Biggest Reasons Why Brands Fail

Webinar Synopsis

 Broach the topic of branding, and you’ll likely discuss logos, tag lines, color schemes, and advertising campaigns. For most organizations – especially service companies – this is the extent of their brand strategies. But a brand built solely on advertising and creative execution is no brand at all (although advertising and creative execution are important to communicating the brand promise). The key to successful brands is to build them from the inside out, starting with a hard look at leadership barriers, the organization’s mission, vision, and values statements, and the false promises the organization’s brand makes every day. Only then can a dialogue about brand identity really take place, albeit a difficult dialogue at best.

What You’ll Learn
  1. The five most common reasons why brands fail.
  2. Best practices that will elevate and strengthen your organization’s brand.
  3. Risk-mitigation strategies to prevent common brand failures from occurring.
  4. How to build a sustainable brand by first focusing on the cultural aspects of your organization’s operations.
What You’ll Come Away With
  1. A 20-question diagnostic assessment administered during the seminar that will identify your most significant areas of focus.
  2. 19 guiding principles for developing sustainable and impervious brands.
  3. 20 strategies for overcoming the five most common branding failures.
  4. Free access to the online Brand Vulnerability Assessment to identify ongoing areas of concern.
  5. A free copy of the e-book, “10 Secrets of Execution.”
About Our Presenters

Our webinar presenters are business executives with real and practical experience in a variety of industries. They include experts in management operations, quality and process improvement, business start-ups, marketing and branding, human resources, and more. This allows us to provide critical insights to attendees that is derived from real business experience.

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I was looking for a golden nugget, and I discovered an entire gold mine. The practical advice and information I received was unbelievable.
Josh Garay
The hour I spent on this webinar was the most strategic hour I spent this entire month. I came away with some great ideas I can implement immediately.
Marc Jaffe
West St. James Professionals
This was no ordinary webinar. It was high-energy, interactive, and extraordinarily beneficial. It was like I was attending an in-person event.
Christy Soukhamneut
WR Starkey Mortgage

Check Out Our Slate of Webinars

10 Secrets of Execution
Fundamentals of Strategic Planning
The 6 Biggest Reasons Why Strategic Plans Fail
The 5 Biggest Reasons Why Brands Fail

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