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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Workshops and Seminars

How long are your workshops and seminars?

We are pretty flexible and can generally adapt all of our events to specific start and stop times, depending on your needs. Workshops run approximately 3½ to 4 hours, while seminars are usually 1½ to 2 hours long.

What’s the different between a workshop and seminar?

A seminar is a short-format event that provides content and information in a way that is still engaging and interactive, but does not allow for a deeper exploration of ideas through in-depth discussion and debate with your team. Workshops have this added dimension of facilitated discussions, while also offering hands-on work to teach important concepts. Workshops also include an online assessment of the participants in advance of the event, and the results of the assessment are woven into the workshop and used to customize the content.

Are events available as both workshops and seminars?

Each of our events can be presented as either a workshop or a seminar. Some events can also be customized for a full-day experience, complete with inspirational team-building exercises. Each event’s detailed program page includes information on the degree of customization.

Is there a limit to the number of participants?

Generally, no. Seminars can include as many people as you can stuff into the room, and the more people at our events, the happier and more energized we are. Because workshops include facilitated discussion and hands-on work, there comes a point that the number of participants dilute the experience for everyone. We recommend you keep workshops to less than 100 people, but we have successfully conducted workshops for as many as 300 participants. If we customize an event for a full-day experience, then we limit the number of participants to 75, which seems to be the most people that can be effectively accommodated by our team-building activities.

Do you customize your events for your audience?

Absolutely. How we deliver a topic, what is emphasized, and our approach to the event are entirely governed by the organization we are presenting to, its corporate culture, industry dynamics, and the people who will be in the room. We spend hours of prep time to ensure that our events meet your specific needs.

Do you provide custom events other than what’s here?

The absolute coolest, wackiest, and most transformative event we ever pulled off was called “Kings, Queens, and Fairy Tales,” and it was for an organization that was wanting to overhaul its culture by first engaging the leadership team in a very truthful and honest dialogue about all of the warts it had amassed through the years. The experience was not only powerful, but also dramatically changed that organization’s path. It had a profound impact on us, too. So, yes, we provide custom events whenever the need arises.

Do you allow us to charge admission to the event?

Absolutely. Many organizations have invited other companies to attend their events and have charged fees to offset expenses – or to even add to their own coffers. If you can make a few bucks off of us, we’re more than happy to let you do so.

What is the cost of your workshops and seminars?

Workshops are $5,000 and include all prep work, a pre-event participant assessment, event customization, event materials, and post-event followup. Seminars are $3,000 and include all prep work, event customization, and event materials. Full-day events are $10,000 and include all prep work, a pre-event participant assessment, event customization, event materials, team-building activities, and post-event followup. Pre-approved travel expenses are billed separately.

What is the 100% satisfaction guarantee?

If you are not absolutely thrilled with your event, then we waive the entire fee, no questions asked. All we ever obligate you to are pre-approved travel expenses. As such, you are not invoiced for your event until after the workshop or seminar is completed and you have provided us with your billing authorization. Our 100% satisfaction guarantee does not apply to full-day events or events for which you charge an admission, participation, or sponsorship fee.

Are any special logistics required for your events?

We need a comfortable room, preferably set up with round tables that can accommodate eight people each, with plenty of space to move from table to table. We also require an LCD projector, screen, cordless lavaliere microphone (if the room requires it), and a speaker system with a standard audio jack. For workshops and full-day events, we also require flip charts with easels, an ample supply of colored markers, and plenty of tape. If team-building activities are required, then we will also need empty space – either indoors or out – the size of which is based on the activities selected.

What pre-event planning is required?

You will be required to handle the logistics and to spend some time on the phone with us to identify and establish event deliverables and goals. We’ll pretty much take it from there.

Can we videotape the event?

Yes, but we do not allow you to distribute, sell, charge a fee to view, or otherwise publicly rebroadcast the event.

Is any post-event followup provided?

Workshops and full-day events include post-event followup, as required. Seminars are self-contained and include no post-event followup.

How are travel arrangements handled?

We like to book our own travel, but will work with your travel provider, if required. We also adhere to any travel policies you might have, plus we obtain pre-approval for all travel expenses prior to booking.

One More Question?

Still need more information? Or perhaps you are ready to chat with us about bringing one of our events to your organization. We’d love to talk to you. Just click the button to get started, or call us at 855-XPIRITY (855.974.7489).

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Check Out Our Suite of Workshops

In Pursuit of WOW! Management Workshop
7 Elements of Trust Management Workshop
 The Wisdom of Percival Management Workshop
10 Secrets of Execution Management Workshop
The 6 Biggest Reasons Why Strategic Plans Fail Management Workshop
Creating the Invisible Management Workshop
Beyond the Invisible Management Workshop
The 5 Biggest Reasons Why Brands Fail Management Workshop

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