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Brand Vulnerability Assessment

 Brand Vulnerability AssessmentThe root cause of a brand’s failure rarely has anything to do with advertising budgets or brand marketing programs. Rather, it is any one of five major areas of the organization’s operations that can determine the success of the brand. After completing the Brand Vulnerability Assessment, you’ll have a better understanding of your brand’s operational weaknesses that need to be shored up to prevent a potential collapse in the future.

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Corporate Culture Assessment

Corporate Culture AssessmentResearch shows that high-trust organizations outperform competitors by as much as 300%, according to Watson Wyatt. In fact, Fortune magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” – a distinction based largely on a company’s ability to build trust with employees – outperform the market by 400%. Without trust, your ability to create a culture of execution and accountability is diminished. We can show you where you stand.

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Operational Brand Assessment

Operational Brand AssessmentWe assess the strength of your brand from the inside out. This powerful assessment tool identifies key areas where your brand can benefit the most. We take a holistic approach to the issue of branding, based on a philosophy that a strong brand is not only the result of effective marketing, but also effective organizational vision, structure, management, internal communication, and training, among other things.

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Strategic Planning Vulnerability Assessment

 Strategic Planning Vulnerability AssessmentOver the last three decades, study after study have shown that 80% to 90% of all strategies that are effectively developed fail to achieve any kind of results. The vast majority of these failures fall into a small handful of categories. If your strategic or operational plans aren’t meeting performance expectations, we can help identify why. And even if they are, we can determine if your organization has one or more unseen vulnerabilities.

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Strategic Transformation Assessment

Strategic Transformation AssessmentEvery organization evolves from a Stage 1 Culture of Collaboration to a Stages Culture of Accountability to a Stage 3 Culture of Execution – before finally evolving to a Stage 4 Culture of Innovation. Organizations that have successfully made this journey share common traits and characteristics – regardless of industry. Learn your current stage of strategic transformation and discover strategies that will accelerate your evolution.

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