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8-Week Rapid Transformation Program

Rapid Transformation Program

For organizations that want to accelerate the results curve – and sooner rather than later – our Rapid Transformation Program will hardwire into your company a culture of accountability and execution in as little as eight weeks. We pair you with a trainer and coach and give you the tools, knowledge, guidance, and support that you need to quickly build and execute strategic and operational plans, revise and refocus the plans you already have, install best-practice strategy and execution management principles, create esprit de corps throughout the organization, and generate real, meaningful, and tangible business results. This turbocharged program maximizes performance while teaching your team how to replicate results time and again.

I’m Ready To Run!

8 Weeks to a Culture of Accountability and Execution

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Introduction
The data doesn’t lie. According to numerous studies and reports over the last three decades – from Fortune to Harvard Business Review – the odds of successfully executing a strategic or operational plan is roughly 10%. Even more alarming are the results of a study conducted by OnPoint Consulting that found that nearly 50% of business leaders believe there is a gap between their capacity to develop strategy and their ability to execute it; 64% said they lack the ability to close that gap.

According to The Conference Board’s CEO Challenge Survey, excellence in execution is the No. 1 concern of CEOs. What most executives agree with is that no matter how smart your leadership team, solid your strategy, or innovative your business model, everything hinges on the speed and precision of implementation. Yet so few companies are ever able to master the art of execution. We’re about to change that through this extremely cost-effective approach that teaches you what we have learned through decades of business management experience. The question is, do you want to change it, too?

Over eight weeks, your trainer and executive coach will work with you and your management team to teach your company how to create a sustainable culture of accountability and execution. We have perfected the tools, methods, and processes to enable you to transform your organization in less time than it takes most companies to schedule and hold their first planning meeting.

We give you support via email, web conferences, and weekly management calls, which maximizes efficiency, reduces costs, and allows for effective knowledge transfer to take place. Because your trainer and coach is not onsite and has a virtual relationship with you, this program requires your team to do the work required to produce the program’s deliverables. We teach, advise, and coach, so that you can replicate this program on your own time and again with consistent and reliable results. Our goal is to enable you to accelerate the results curve through a sustainable culture of accountability and superior business execution. If you’re ready to go, then so are we.

14 Powerful Deliverables In Just 8 Weeks

  1. Strategic Transformation Assessment to identify your stage of strategic transformation and high-risk areas that might require intense management focus.
  2. Review of all strategic, operational, quality improvement, and performance improvement plans.
  3. Development and prioritization of best-practice business objectives.
  4. Strengthening, restructuring, and/or realigning of existing plans – or the development of a new plan if no plans exist.
  5. Cascading of business objectives to individual owners or champions.
  6. Alignment of business objectives with individual annual performance objectives.
  7. Development of 90-Day Sprint Plan, based on existing on newly created plans.
  1. Sign off and agreement of all 90-Day Sprint Plan objectives, strategies, and tactics, with confirmation of due dates and deliverables by all assignees.
  2. 90-Day Sprint Plan execution risk assessment with presentation of risk-mitigation strategies.
  3. Best-of-breed Exception Report review methodology and calendar, with web-based training for managers.
  4. Reward and recognition programs that foster a culture of accountability and execution.
  5. Communication of 90-Day Sprint Plan and the Exception Report plan review schedule.
  6. Communication of new and/or modified reward and recognition programs.
  7. Stop Doing Assessment to identify management hours that can be freed and reinvested into plan execution, with implementation recommendations.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 1
It’s a busy first week, as we lay the foundation for your transformation efforts with the following:

  • We administer our Strategic Transformation Assessment to your management team and anyone else in the company that you choose. This gives us baseline performance, identifies your stage of strategic transformation, and identifies high-risk areas that might require intense management focus.
  • You bundle up all of your strategic, operational, quality improvement, and performance improvement plans and send them to us for review. This allows us to get a sense of your company’s direction and focus, and it also allows us to assess strengths and weaknesses in your organization’s identified business objectives.
  • During our review, we run all of your business objectives against our Business Objectives Fit Test to ensure they adhere to best-practice principles, are measurable, have baseline performance indicators and meaningful targets, and are timebound.
  • Depending on the number of business objectives your organization is currently pursuing, we walk you through a prioritization process using our Business Objectives Rating Grid to ensure that your management team has the necessary focus required to be successful both short- and long-term.
  • If your company does not currently have any strategic or operational plans, we will provide you with various tools to help your management team identify the five most-important objectives required for long-term business sustainability.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 2
In Week 1, we worked with your team to conduct a comprehensive review of the state of execution in your company. Now is the time to fill in some gaps.

  • If existing plans require strengthening or modifications, we show you how to create new business objectives, as necessary, or to restructure and realign the plans you already have so that they are driven by measurable objectives and supported by strong strategies and tactics.
  • For new plans, we guide you through the completion of business objectives so that baseline performances are understood, target performances are identified, and time frames are determined.
  • To ensure that all existing, modified, and newly created business objectives adhere to best-practice principles, we once again run them against our Business Objectives Fit Test, which ensures that your plans are driven by real, meaningful, and tangible business results – each designed to accelerate the results curve.
  • We then teach you how to appropriately cascade and assign every business objective in every plan to individual owners or champions (generally, these are company executives) and how to align these measurable performance targets with annual management performance objectives to create a laser-like focus across your management team.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 3
With measurable objectives in place that include baselines, targets, due dates, and assigned individuals, we now turn our attention to your first 90-day Sprint Plan, which is designed to begin generating real business results in the first three months of execution. To us, nothing is more motivating than seeing the fruits of your labor blossom.

  • We provide your team with tools and methodologies to establish three-month short-term targets for each of your business objectives.
  • For each short-term target, a strategy leader is identified, and using our best-of-breed templates and methods, they begin to craft a 90-day Sprint Plan that can be launched in Week 7 of your Rapid Transformation Program.
  • We guide you through the development of a plan review calendar that commences at the end of Week 7, after your 90-day Sprint Plan has launched.
  • We provide you with the tools to run your plan reviews using our Exception Report methodology and begin to teach you how to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your review meetings – which are critical to creating a culture of accountability and execution.
  • We provide you with tools, templates, and ideas for developing and/or aligning reward and recognition programs that reinforce and support effective execution and timely results – which foster ongoing behavioral and cultural change throughout all levels of your organization.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 4
Week 4 marks the halfway point of your Rapid Transformation Program, and we slow things down slightly to catch our breath.

  • We continue guiding your strategy leaders through the completion of the 90-day Sprint Plan.
  • We work with you to finalize your plan review calendar.
  • We complete the knowledge transfer of the Exception Report plan review methodology.
  • We guide you to final decisions on reward and recognition programs for managers and staff who exemplify individual accountability and execution.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 5
Everything’s beginning to gel, and we focus our energies on moving to execution as quickly as possible.

  • We work with your strategy leaders and executive team to assign all strategies and tactics in the 90-day Sprint Plan to appropriate individuals.
  • We help you identify strategies and tactics that do not require new financial or human resources and provide you with communications templates that enable you to begin the execution of these assignments immediately. (Why wait until Week 7 when we can implement in Week 5?)
  • We provide you with communications templates to ensure everyone in your company understands the focus of the 90-day Sprint Plan, the timing of the plan review calendar, and the Exception Report review methodology.
  • We ensure that you appropriately disseminate the Exception Report templates to your management team, and we schedule and host training webinars, as necessary.
  • We help you put the final touches on any new or modified reward and recognition programs you have opted to roll out.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 6
While Week 6 is primarily devoted to communications, we also help you focus on freeing up management time that can later be better reinvested in the execution of your strategic and operational plans.

  • We ensure that everyone with at least one plan assignment signs off of their deliverables and due dates and that they fully understand what is being required of them.
  • We provide you with an assessment of execution risks based on the breadth and depth of your 90-day Sprint Plan.
  • We provide you with communications templates to ensure that everyone in your organization fully understands the scope and timing of the 90-day Sprint Plan.
  • We provide you with communicate templates to announce any new or modified reward and recognition programs.
  • We administer an online Stop Doing Assessment to identify standing meetings, committees, councils, project teams, ad hoc work teams, etc. that no longer provide value to the organization and should be eliminated or collapsed into other groups.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 7
This is the week that things really heat up, as you move into full-scale execution of your 90-day Sprint Plan.

  • Your 90-day Sprint Plan is officially launched (although some assignments may have moved into execution as early as Week 5).
  • Anyone with an assignment due to be fully completed this week is notified that they will be required to attend the Friday Exception Report plan review if they have any overdue assignments as of the close of business on Thursday.
  • We present the findings from the Stop Doing Assessment and discuss opportunities with your management team for reducing the number of hours spent in meetings; we begin to redesign your committee/meeting structure based on your management team’s direction.
  • The first Exception Report plan review is held on Friday; we attend virtually via teleconference and/or web conference and provide your executive team with an assessment of the meeting and recommendations for improvement.

8-Week Rapid Transformation Program Week 8
In Week 8, you are now in full-scale execution.

  • You continue to implement the 90-day Sprint Plan.
  • Anyone with an assignment due to be fully completed this week or who presented an Exception Report the previous week is notified that they will be required to attend the Friday Exception Report plan review if they have any overdue assignments as of the close of business on Thursday.
  • We guide your management team to final decisions based on the results of the Stop Doing Assessment.
  • The second Exception Report plan review is held on Friday; we attend virtually and provide your executive team with an assessment of the meeting and recommendations for improvement.
  • We conduct a final debriefing with your executive management team and make final recommendations.

After you close out Week 8, you will notice that your company has developed a radically different approach to how work gets done. The focus of your management team is oriented strategically, rather than tactically. Action plans are being driven by the need to achieve a specific measurable business objective. Individual and organizational accountability is now the norm. And the execution of your plans is now precise and purposeful.

However, many organizations want to forge ahead to create core competencies around execution and innovation. If that sounds like you, then here are some next steps we can help you with.

Mission and Vision Creation

Unfortunately, many organizations have weak mission and vision statements, or they don’t have them at all. Miss the mark on mission and vision, and your company can only go so far, as mission and vision are the bookends for all of your strategic and operational plans. We can help you craft mission and vision statements that resonate in the marketplace, provide a mark of differentiation, and inspire the masses.

Integration of Front-Line Staff
Into Strategy and Execution

If you want to create a culture of innovation, then you first have to drive strategy and execution to the front lines. If your employees don’t understand the company’s vision and goals, then they certainly won’t be able to identify market opportunities that arise when observing how your customers use your products and services in unintended ways. We can teach you how to push strategy, execution, mission, and vision into every nook and cranny of your company.

Management Workshops
and Training Programs

We offer an assortment or management workshops and training programs designed to elevate the art of execution in your company. From two-hour seminars and half-day workshops to full-day events and ongoing training initiatives, we have best-of-class course material that will enable you to accelerate the results curve. If needed, we’ll even customize or create an event specifically to meet your management objectives.

Ready to hardwire accountability, execution, and results?

Schedule a free, 30-minute coaching session, and we’ll show you how to move at the speed of light.

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